I've always thought of myself like Miracle Whip or Marmite, you either love me or you hate me.
For those that love me, thank you for letting me be part of your lives, it's an honor and a privilege.
For those that don't, well, I'm sorry I don't fit into your happy box of existence.
I'm sorry I don't blend in to your clique, group, family, or whatever you call your weird arrangement of people.
One thing I can say about the ones that have pushed me out of their lives is that well, it's kind of funny that the ones that keep me close are the ones who are true to themselves and their families (both real and online). They don't have to lie to their real life significant others.
I'm happy to say that my real life better half (Yes, better half, he's that awesome) knows all of my ins and outs in the cyber world. He knows and loves my real life and online wife (Not a girlfriend, we're big and grown up goddammit *giggles*). Just as she has kept her real life hubby in full knowledge of her online goings on.
If you feel you have to keep what you do in the cyber world hidden from your other half, chances are you are not being faithful to them or yourself, shame on you.
With all my years online, the times I've seen all of this come out into the light, it not only ended badly, but tragically.
OK, enough of the venting. Have a pic of my self gratification.....
Been offline for a few days, crunching down on Fable 3 that the hubby bought last week. First time I finished a game in years and I did it before he did. WOOT WOOT!
Now that that is over and done, back to the workbench online trying to make some new dodads for the shop. If anyone knows where I can get free or near free stuffs to work with please let me know. I want to start making jewelry and I need settings, facets to put the stones in.
It would be easier to focus on designing if I didn't have my beautiful wife on a chair looking like this.....
Her version of this photo can be found here.....
I should be back full force starting Monday, am open to any and all photo and video opportunities and ideas for female accessories PLEASE contact me inworld (Trixianna Saenz)
Now time for some tea, a smoke outside and back to the bump and grind.
Yes, I'm a diva, I've got nothing to hide